Welcome to Computer Programming For Kids (CP4K)

Welcome to the Computer Programming for Kids blog! We are the co-authors of the book "Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners", released in March 2009. The book is published by Manning Publications. Manning has a web site for the book, which is where you can download the software and other files related to the book. You can purchase it here, at the Manning web site. If you use this link to purchase the print book or e-book from the Manning web site, you can use the discount code aupromo40 at checkout to get a 40% discount. You can also get it through online retailers like Amazon, as well as in many retail locations such as Chapters in Canada and Barnes & Noble in the U.S. This blog is mostly about the book (for now), but anything related to computers and programming, particularly for kids and beginners, is fair game. We will post articles with extra material that didn't make it into the book, and reader feedback and suggestions are always welcome.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hello World! Chinese Translation

A few days ago we received a few copies of the Chinese translation of "Hello World". Here's what the cover looks like:

It's pretty cool so see our book published in other languages. The book is published in China by Turing, which is a division of the Posts and Telecom Press. You can see their web page for the book here:



  1. I really want my child to know about computer programming. "cause I think this is the best chance for them to be employed in the future.

  2. Do you have plans for a Spanish edition?

  3. Nice, accurate and to the point.I am going to save the URL and will definitely visit again.
